LINEKRAFT / Prurient – 政府が神の社を支配する : Government Controlled Shrines (2024) [7" + 7" + 5" + Download Code]
industrial music is not about what is right with society… and there is still work to be done. at 7:57 the fountain is still pumping… industrialization of religion. the songs from torture chambers are passed down through the generations. SONGS FROM TORTURE CHAMBERS TEXT AND RECORDING: 2020 TOKYO/NEW YORK Packaged in silk screen and velcro heavy canvas bag, with individual disco sleeves, vellum insert and text by Takahiko Yokoyama. Download code included. - Black vinyl limited to 500. - Picture disc version limited to 100. with alternate songs from torture chambers design. - Clear vinyl variant for the japan fest version. edition of 100. A1 何故世界は崩壊しないのか? = Why World Do Not Crumble? A2 身体がバラバラになる前日の夜 = The Night Before Shatter To Pieces B1 魂の柩 = Container Of Souls B2 零戦 (鉄の上に鉄を) = Zero Fighter (Metal On Metal) C1 天皇陛下は死んだ = His Majesty The Emperor Is Dead C2 神の社に火を放つ = Arson At Shrine (Voice: The Grey Wolves) https://www.discogs.com/release/30357701 https://prurient.bandcamp.com/album/government-controlled-shrines
金属太古&Sandersonia / Weiches Loch - Split (2024) [7" + Download Code]
金属を打撃することによって自らの人間性を鼓舞する者がつくりあげた音塊。 日本において、表現方法を模索する人間の一つの結論が、金属の打撃・産業社会に対する人間性の抵抗であると私は考えている。 なぜ旧態依然とした金属を音楽の中で使用する事にこだわるのか? その答えは各人間自身の産業社会に抵抗する飢餓、視野狭窄、発狂にある。喚け、叩け、気違いになれ。 電子的処理の中に自分の生き方を見出せない、狂い屋たちの魂を塩化ビニールに刻んだ騒音を人間社会が聴こうが聴くまいが、この者達の魂と気違いを目指す飢餓は、存在し続けると私は信じて疑わないのである。 大久保正彦 / 社会に於ける馬の骨 This is the sound agglomeration made by human who bolster themselves result from the hit of iron junks. in Japanese underground, I think this is one of conclusion by underground means of expression explorer. It's hit of iron and humanity resist a industrial society. Why they stick with the old-fashioned hitting iron in music? I think the answer is our hunger for life, constriction of the mind visual field, derangement against industrial society. hit, scream, be insane. I believe without a doubt their spirit and hunger for insane continue to exist. It just doesn't matter if society and people hear or not hear this noise vinyl recorded by detraque who can't find their way of life in electrical treatment of sound. Masahiko Okubo / Horse Bone in the society https://threeplugsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/kinzoku-taiko-sandersonia-weiches-loch